The consistency of inconsistency.

It has been a delight to watch this modern-day cult leader evolve from what he was when he began to who he has become. The one thing that remains consistent is his inconsistency. In September 24, 2017, Jerry Toney uploaded a video titled “The Days of Awe…” in which he stated that “I don’t like …

You son of a bitch, I’m in.

In the previous blog post, I explained how easy it was to implant an idea into our favorite cult leader, Jerry Toney. While the terms of my psychological experiment were met I wanted to go a step further and see how strong this psychological “test line” holding this fish was. Once again knowing Jerry’s parameters …

Operation: Inception

Having been a student of psychology for nearly 30 years I became intrigued by the concept of implanting an idea in someone’s mind after watching the movie Inception about a decade ago. While there are certain “poetic liberties” used in the plot, having technology that doesn’t exist, the idea remained basically the same: Could I …